Why work hard?
Some people work hard to...
Please their boss 👀
Make tons of money 👀
Impress their acquaintances 👀
Others work hard to become the person they want to be.
If your company values your work, it feels amazing to work hard.
If you're in the wrong place, and...
😰 Your assignments are unclear
😰 No one appreciates you
😰 You have no support
You'll be tempted to tune out and numb out.
But then you're stuck with more of the same.
Same problems. Same you.
You're delaying a crisis.
For some, that's all they can do right now.
No judgment. Things can take a long time.
But the other option is to take action now.
Become more like the person you want to be.
Someone who...
🥊 Faces problems.
♻️ Uses what they've got.
💖 Inspires others to be better.
How do you become that person?
Here are 3 options:
Talk to your leadership team about work frustrations.
Coast at work, start a side hustle.
Search for a better job.
We all want to do hard work that people VALUE.
But each one of us has to make it happen for ourselves.
You're can either be a victim or a hero. I'm betting you're a hero.
"Plans are worthless, but planning is everything."
— President Dwight Eisenhower
Why did he say that? Plans are just "paper."
When you make plans, YOU change.
You become a stronger, wiser version of yourself.
You might throw out a plan altogether. It doesn't matter.
When you made it, you already got closer to the person you want to be.
Here's to that version of you,
Dave Wolovsky
Your Career Growth Engineer
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