Pay raise Transformation

"It was incredibly easy to pitch.

I felt so professional."

Afraid to ask for the raise you deserve?

You can do it without risking your relationships and reputation.


Professional Pay Raises, Step By Step:

  1. Write up a compensation proposal.

  2. Outline your future value to the company.

  3. Submit it to your manager. You've done the hard part for them.

  4. They can simply show it to other decision makers and say, "Here's something to consider."

  5. Get the pay raises and promotions you deserve.

What if you had a professional

pay raise proposal template?

Just fill in the blanks.

Get yours now for $100 $47

What do you get?

  • A template to structure your pay raise proposal perfectly. Just fill in the blanks!

  • A tool that Pay Raise Prodigies use to secure higher salaries their entire career.

  • An EXCLUSIVE psychological negotiation hack. You will not find it anywhere else.

Success You Can Follow

Meet Dalmo, an analyst who helps hospitals upgrade their systems, so doctors can do what they do best, and patients get the care they need.

We helped him get a +35k raise, and a 4-day workweek.

He uses his extra days to feed people at a church in his community.

More Successes

© 2025 David Wolovsky | All Rights Reserved

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"It was incredibly easy to pitch.

I felt so professional."

Afraid to ask for the raise

you deserve?

you can do it without risking your relationships and reputation.


Professional Pay Raises,

Step By Step:

  1. Write up a compensation proposal.

  2. Outline your value to the company.

  3. Submit it to your manager. You've done the hard part for them.

  4. They can simply show it to other decision makers and say, "Here's something to consider."

  5. Get the pay raises and promotions you deserve.

What if you had a professional pay raise proposal template?

Just fill in the blanks.

Get yours now for $47 $7

What do you get?

  • A template to perfectly structure your pay raise proposal. Just fill in the blanks!

  • The secrets used by Pay Raise Prodigies to secure higher salaries their entire career.

  • An EXCLUSIVE psychological negotiation hack. You will not find it anywhere else.

Success You Can Follow

Meet Dalmo, an analyst who helps hospitals upgrade their systems, so doctors can do what they do best, and patients get the care they need.

We helped him get a +35k raise, and a 4-day workweek.

He uses his extra days to feed people at a church in his community.

More Successes

© 2025 David Wolovsky | All Rights Reserved

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This website is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

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