ATTENTION: talented job seekers

Finding a job in 2025

Is different

Neuroscience Powered career coaching is different too

Applying… Check.

Networking… Check.

Opportunities… NOPE

Most job seekers are plagued by uncertainty:

  • How to position themselves effectively in the market.

  • How to navigate job interviews without lying or rambling.

  • How to negotiate their salary without being confrontational.

All of those problems have the same solution: Better Communication and Influence Skills.

With a background in Neuroscience, Dave Wolovsky cuts through the noise to help job seekers:

  • Explain their unique expertise without sounding arrogant.

  • Have confident integrity in job interviews.

  • Negotiate their salary collaboratively.

Here are some of our stats:

  • 80+ satisfied clients.

  • +953% average return on investment.

  • 5-Star ratings on LinkedIn and Google.

Land more job offers and negotiate higher salaries

Applying… Check.

Networking… Check.

Opportunities… NOPE

Most job seekers are plagued by uncertainty:

  • How to position themselves effectively in the market.

  • How to navigate job interviews without lying or rambling.

  • How to negotiate their salary without being confrontational.

All of those problems have the same solution: Better Communication and Influence Skills.

With a background in Neuroscience, Dave Wolovsky cuts through the noise to help job seekers:

  • Explain their unique expertise without sounding arrogant.

  • Have confident integrity in job interviews.

  • Negotiate their salary collaboratively.

Here are some of our stats:

  • 80+ satisfied clients.

  • +953% average return on investment.

  • 5-Star ratings on LinkedIn and Google.

affordable Services

1 : 1 Coaching

Stress Reduction

$99 / session

  • Self judgments ruin your confidence

  • Reduce negative self judgments

  • Remove unwanted thoughts

  • Advanced Mindfulness "Done For You"

1% of your payment helps remove CO₂

from the atmosphere.

Job Search Strategy

$99 / session

  • Get a custom strategy to market yourself

  • Includes Resume + LinkedIn review

  • Diagnose potential pitfalls for you

  • Learn how to avoid job search burn out

1% of your payment helps remove CO₂

from the atmosphere.

Job Interview Prep

$198 / 2 sessions

  • Interviewed well but still got rejected?

  • Learn a new interviewing framework

  • Master your professional headline

  • Learn the 4 key stories for any interview

1% of your payment helps remove CO₂

from the atmosphere.

Client Testimonials

(More Below)

Meet Your Career Growth Engineer

Dave Wolovsky

I was home schooled until 13 years old.

Always a quiet introvert.

Overly sensitive to others' discomfort.

I was scared to ask for things.

Waited for others to offer.

Waited and waited.

After a horrible job experience...

⚠️ Strangled by my own anxiety.

⚠️ Desperate to impress my bosses.

⚠️ "Stuck it out" until I got physically ill.

I realized I needed to grow as a person.

To ask for what I needed.

To persuade with empathy.

To negotiate without conflict.

I dove deep into understanding people:

▪︎ Neuroscience (got a masters in it)

▪︎ Positive psychology (a certification)

▪︎ Negotiation (books, courses, teaching).

Then I realized lots of people had difficulties like me.

And I became committed to helping people get paid what they're worth.

An early client got a $35k raise, while cutting back to a 4-day workweek.

I thought, "this is interesting."

I wrote down everything we did.

Conversations along the way.

The mistakes along the way.

I created a set of principles.

Called it "Empathic Influence & Negotiation."

Applied it to salary negotiations.

Applied it to job interviews.

Applied it to networking.

And then I found Mindfulness.

That added some next level juice.

I created the "Mindful Sprint" process.

And now I help talented introverts become Mindful Sprinters.

This kind of personal growth creates:

✓ Better job opportunities.

✓ Higher compensations.

✓ Stronger boundaries.

Without creating:

🚫 Confrontational situations.

🚫 Resentful relationships.

🚫 Suffocating stress.

We navigate social complexities:

▪︎ Being a team player, not a pushover.

▪︎ Asking for a raise collaboratively.

▪︎ Making your value fully visible.

With me, you're not getting an extroverted former CEO.

I won't insist that you have to "command the room."

You ARE getting a partner to help you:

▪︎ Shine a floodlight on your value.

▪︎ Stay authentically introverted.

▪︎ Meet you where you're at.

Expect to be empowered:

▪︎ Do things you've never done before.

▪︎ Learn the science of negotiation.

▪︎ Experience true mindfulness.

Additional Client Testimonials

Career Coaching: job search and Career Growth

© 2025 David Wolovsky | All Rights Reserved

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Client Testimonials

(More Below)

Meet Your Coach:

Dave Wolovsky

I was home schooled until 13 years old.

Always a quiet, empathic introvert.

Overly sensitive to others' discomfort.

I was scared to ask for things.

Waited for others to offer.

Waited and waited.

After a horrible job experience...

⚠️ Strangled by my own anxiety.

⚠️ Desperate to impress my bosses.

⚠️ "Stuck it out" until I got physically ill.

I realized I needed to grow as a person.

To ask for what I needed.

To persuade with empathy.

To negotiate without conflict.

I dove deep into understanding people:

▪︎ Neuroscience (got a masters in it)

▪︎ Positive psychology (a certification)

▪︎ Negotiation (books, courses, teaching).

Then I realized lots of people had difficulties like me.

And I became committed to helping people get paid what they're worth.

An early client got a $35k raise, while cutting back to a 4-day workweek.

I thought, "this is interesting."

I wrote down everything we did.

Conversations along the way.

The mistakes along the way.

I created a set of principles.

Called it "Empathic Influence & Negotiation."

Applied it to salary negotiations.

Applied it to job interviews.

Applied it to networking.

And then I found Mindfulness.

That added some next level juice.

I created the "Mindful Sprint" process.

And now I help talented introverts become Mindful Sprinters.

This kind of personal growth creates:

✓ Better job opportunities.

✓ Higher compensations.

✓ Stronger boundaries.

Without creating:

🚫 Confrontational situations.

🚫 Resentful relationships.

🚫 Suffocating stress.

We navigate workplace complexities:

▪︎ Being a team player, not a pushover.

▪︎ Asking for a raise collaboratively.

▪︎ Making your value fully visible.

With me, you're not getting an extroverted former CEO.

I won't insist that you have to "command the room."

You ARE getting a partner to help you:

▪︎ Shine a floodlight on your value.

▪︎ Stay authentically introverted.

▪︎ Meet you where you're at.

Expect to be empowered:

▪︎ Do things you've never done before.

▪︎ Learn the science of negotiation.

▪︎ Experience true mindfulness.

Career Coaching: job search and Career Growth

© 2025 David Wolovsky | All Rights Reserved

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